Lines for Joe M... Landlord

You returned looking like a ghost who had been told he would die again.

That stupid balding head of yours shining under the dull compartment light, the few front strands of hair looking like something one would blow away and make a wish upon.

But the thing is this: I have never met an honest landlord and I seriously doubt that one exists.

Lines for Joe M

...the kind of cheap plastic rubbish which make children cry on opening them.

I eyed my way up his body and it only got worse.

Lines for Joe M #1

Predictions of Joe M's pick of the of the best of the worst...

 “...... then things fell thru. I forgot how fuckin' shite life was."

 “and the most exciting thing which happens is news of a new colostomy bag or something... an amputation or DVT if they're really lucky."

 “They did not break and roll but sat against the lip of his bottom eyelid like a clear ripple of shoreline.”

On the Autumn Blows - Audio Extract

Soc Proapist reads Shane Levene